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Hymans Robertson Podcast – Capital markets mid-year update

As at 20 July 2023

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On… host, Ben Farmer, presents the latest episode in their investment series, and is joined by Chris Arcari, Head of Capital Markets at Hymans Robertson and Gavyn Davis, Chairman at Fulcrum Asset Management.

During this episode, they discuss the key market events of 2023 so far, a look at what the rest of the year might hold, and a discussion on the potential risks that could knock things off course in the short term.

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The Podcast can also be reached here.

Key Topics
  • Introduction and recap of recent market events: (01:02)
  • Economic preview for H2 2023: (02:32)
  • Reality vs forecasts, and potential downside risks: (06:53)
  • Outlook for institutional asset classes: (11:20)
  • Reflecting the outlook in portfolios in practice: (21:42)
  • Outlook for real assets: (30:13)
  • What do you know now 2.0: global economy “hot takes” : (33:04)


Hymans Robertson disclaimer: This podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at 20 July 2023. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.
The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

This content is provided for informational purposes and is directed at an investor as defined in Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFMD) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) Annex II Section I or Section II or an investor with an equivalent status as defined by your local jurisdiction. It is not intended for retail clients. Information provided does not constitute investment advice and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. It has been produced as thought leadership which represents our intellectual property. Reproduction of this material in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of Fulcrum Asset Management LLP. Copyright © Fulcrum Asset Management LLP 2024. All rights reserved.

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