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Square Mile – A Spotlight On: Investing in alternatives

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The uncertain market backdrop and higher volatility seen in 2022 left many questioning the effectiveness of the traditional 60/40 portfolio and looking to other areas of the market for diversification, namely alternatives.

Now, with cash and bonds looking more attractive, has the role of alternatives become redundant? In the second ‘A Spotlight On’ panel, Square Mile’s Charles Hovenden speaks with three absolute return experts – Angus Carson, Product Specialist at Fulcrum Asset Management, Lucy Reid, CFA, Vice President at J.P. Morgan Asset Management and Stefan Gries, Head of the European Equity at BlackRock – to discuss:

  • The lessons they learnt from 2022
  • What went right and what went wrong
  • How alternatives can offer a degree of capital protection and diversification in more volatile markets
  • What the higher inflationary market means for these strategies
  • The long term themes that offer opportunities over the next 12 months

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